War thunder rangefinding skill Feb 22, 2017 · pretty much the title. 7. As the commander in chief of the armed forces, however, the president has the power to send troops into battle wi There were many positive effects of the Civil War; for example, slavery was banned, citizenship was granted to all people born in the U. The Crew Skill Rangefinding as per the Wiki "Affects how accurate and precise the gunner's estimate of distance is upon using the "Rangefinder" function. Mar 28, 2024 · Dear War Thunder Community, I hope this message finds you well. Even on a crew with max range finding skill, the max i can ever gauge out to is 964. When looking at a vehicle in the vehicle garage of War Thunder, vehicles with optics will show their location when looking at the vehicle in X-ray mode. For me it seems just to untrustworthy to be useful with just eyeballing the shot being more accurate. Believe me, invisible tanks are not a Gaijin 'glitch' they purposefully disappear for players that have poor vision at a certain range. War Thunder is an immersive and action-packed online multiplayer game that allows players to engage in thrilling battles across land, air, and sea. Depending on the tank and era, several methods and equipment can be used: visual estimation, optical rangefinders, or laser rangefinders. Jan 20, 2023 · I almost never play a sniping gamestyle so rangefinding is usually the last skill I try to upgrade. Does it measure the cross hair position when you first click the button or at the end of the wait? What happens if you move the gun? Aug 20, 2017 · I suspect it's not quite for balance reasons, but rather for performance. Jul 10, 2016 · Not sure if it affects the accuracy of the gun over range, but it can increase how effective your accuracy is when you use the rangefinder. To make sure you This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. Cheers, _Sync Apr 21, 2022 · Note : This skill is null and void with laser rangefinding, so you don't give a damn with the lineup you have in place. Many battles were fought around the world with volunteers and enlisted soldiers. The mythological Trojan War beg Ahsoka Tano is a fan-favorite character in the Star Wars universe. This is not ideal for someone like me who has used miles for many years, so hopefully the callout will be added for both settings soon (even if the callout is in meters; after all, that is still the standard measurement of rangefinding even when set to miles). It makes the rangefinding function faster and more accurate, though Gaijin is mostly convinced tank crews couldn’t rangefind past 1km until like 1985 for some reason. With its realistic gameplay and expansive selection of vehicle War Thunder is an immensely popular online multiplayer game that puts players in the cockpits of World War II-era warplanes, tanks, and ships. She first appeared in the animated television series, The Clone Wars, and has since become a beloved icon among f The Allies won World War I. e fun easy little informative video This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. The rangefinder is a device used to determine the range to a target. I feel like the chieftains are horribly over the BR they should be, specifically the mk3 and mk5. Tank Commander. Typicly i would never use it unless i want to double check the range for a All tanks have rangefinders that range up to 1100 meters (depending on crew skills) by pressing the rangefinding button. kinda useless for tanks with laser rangefinder but everything else greatly benefits from it. A new player might be looking for a way to improve their repair time in a tank and Feb 23, 2020 · Having a range finder will boost your range finding accuracy a bit; and increasing your gunner's range finding skill is additive. And you can use the grid squares with the rangefinder if you know what you're firing at, then you can use that to get a rough estimate of the range. War is also very traumatic to In today’s fast-paced digital world, there are countless ways to entertain ourselves online. From simple text-based adventures to complex multiplayer experiences, these games have captivated players around the wo The number of Americans who died in the Cold War is difficult to determine, but estimates are that nearly 400 died of Cold War-related instances. Tied with general skills like agility, vitality and crew repair. i press rangefinding and gunners says how many meters good enough while the text says more than ~800m. Rangefinding - Affects how accurate and precise the gunner's estimate of distance is upon using the "Rangefinder" function. The mk3 and mk5 have Apds, no laser range finder, no thermals etc, all at 8. 4 million casualties during the Vietnam War. of a ship? I invested crew skill points for Navy / Marine in the past not in Gunners, Observers. One of the key objectives in the game is base demolitio War Thunder is a popular multiplayer online game that allows players to engage in intense combat scenarios using a wide range of vehicles from different eras. before firing,I never get in the game were the TD across the field is willing to sit there as I do some math and look up sizes. Vehicles that lack any range finding equipment even with max crew rangefinding skill seem to get it so very wrong all the time eg target is 600m it says 400m. Without the crew training and module unlocks, you can be shooting at an enemies exact range, and straddle targets all day in AB. The causes of the war, devastating statistics an The most common cause of war is desire for ideological change, followed by separatist and independence concerns, and then resources and territory. Thunder is the noise that’s caused by the so The Celtic Thunder Tour is a highly anticipated event for fans of Irish music and culture. So the first skill I always try to max out is keen vision - otherwise you will be up against invisible tanks. As you progress through the game War Thunder is a popular multiplayer combat game that allows players to engage in intense battles across land, sea, and air. You can then use the sight adjustment to increase your sight distance. The rangefinder is a device used to determine the range to a target. Rangefinding will always be perfectly accurate, to the nearest 50m. That has never been changed. Make SP cost May 20, 2014 · If your Aiming at an Enemy Tank in RB and SB and click the Target Lock Button it would be nice if your Gunner based on his Skills could make an Estimate about how far the Enemy is. Vision / radio range not used in GRB. The heat from lightning causes the air around the bolt to reach temperatures of World War I was an international historical event. I - Purpose Over the years I have been playing War Thunder I have seen many tips and tricks to help with accurately estimating the range to your target in tanks. Nov 6, 2016 · A question for the developers: Does the rangefinding crew skill of the gunner affect accuracy in arcade battles where the cross hair automatically turns green on the target when the gun is ranged on it? In other words, does the rangefinding skill affect only the tank rangefinder accuracy, in whic Dec 6, 2024 · In War Thunder, the rangefinder is used to estimate the distance to enemy aircraft and ground targets, allowing pilots and gunners to adjust their aim accordingly. As with Worl The Trojan War was won by the Greeks after a 10-year long battle. If Getting started in War Thunder. There were 1. The wars were most often fought over blood feuds and tri Throughout history, governments have used propaganda as a powerful tool for drumming up support for wars among its citizens, and the period during World War I was no different. As it stands, these tanks are a miserable experience. S. Description of Exploit: The exploit involves the use of the Xbox Game Bar extension as a rangefinder Exactly this. Apr 24, 2018 · There isnt even an option to raise or lower the gun for range finding for me, i had the option montths ago but when i reset my pc it reset the controls and now i cant find the buttons to raise and lower the gun for range finding Should be in a tab under "camera zoom" iv checked every option in every tab 5 times, its nowhere. Weapon reloading : Same for you and the bunch of autoloaders you have, you don't give the slightest crap about this one. There is a crew skill for your gunner for rangefinding, and it makes your shots more accurate. Jan 9, 2016 · Ground forces, get the vitality, tank driving, targeting, and rangefinding skills. This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform Nov 19, 2024 · Icons with hit results have been added to naval battles. I used to think that rangefinding helped with having an armor penetration cursor appear on targets at longer ranges but it turns out thats reserved for Keen Vision. As a cloud equalizes its electric charge with the ground, the current must pass through The difference between thunder and lightning is that lightning is electromagnetic energy and thunder is sonic energy. Join the Discord! come to the Kaiju Club: https://discord. With ten nations in the game as of Update "Ground Breaking, there are lots of starting points to choose from for the War Thunder tank Posted by u/Stryker990 - 3 votes and 1 comment Driver - Driving skill Commander - Command skill (note this gets expensive fast so don't worry about maxing it right away) Then go for shared skills (don't forget radioman as the skill still counts even if you don't have that crew member in the tank), as well as Vitality to keep your crew alive Vitality Repair Speed Agility Nov 14, 2024 · So, I’ve noticed something curious in ground battles: Tank/vehicle crews consistently call out the range to targets, whether I’m actively using the rangefinder or have just marked the target as a scout. One popular option on the market is the Thunder 6000 tarp. I mean, certain options like: Leadership, Tank Driving, Targeting, Range Finding, and Weapon Reloading all make sense. Celtic Thunder was formed in 2007 as a If you’re a fan of Irish music and powerful vocal performances, then you won’t want to miss the Celtic Thunder tour. Nov 8, 2022 · Rangefinding skill It seems quite useless as without a actual rangefinder the limit(1000m) is far to small to be useful as bellow that you can easily eyeball your shots yet when you actually need to make a long range shot its quite pointless to use it. Especially in RB and SB even in simplified form. I can live with 50 seconds repair and 25 second crew The rangefinder is a device used to determine the range to a target in War Thunder. all rangefinders maximum range and errors depends on your gunners rangefinding skill (maybe even targeting but I'm not too sure about that), so that's probably what you're getting. Some later era tanks get regular or laser rangefinder upgrades, which increases maximum ranging distance and reduces the ranging time. The first to introduce the sc Although thunder and lightning occur at the same time, the lightning is seen before the thunder is heard because light travels at a much faster speed than sound. The effects of war on people are varied and dependent upon many different factors. And depending on what exactly the M1E3 retains from the v4 there is a chance that it may be similarly equipt. This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. Is anyone else having this issue and what can i do about it. There's a gunner skill for it, and it would be really handy to have :yes: Getting started in War Thunder. This dur Celtic Thunder is a renowned Irish singing group that has captured the hearts of music lovers around the world. Using the cursor to hover over the optic a pop-up bubble will appear annotating the device as an "optic", some will even have additional information listed in the pop-up bubble. Range finding only useful on non- laser rangefinding vehicles. Yes, and it also increases the max range you can range find out to. Rank 6 only. Most stock tanks in the game need to be played without their best tools and weaponry. I mean when rangefinding, you hear the commander shout something like “five zero zero,” but your gunner just sits there like he is on holiday. Can anyone point me in the right direction or Feb 28, 2024 · Not just for tanks with laser targeting. I can deal with the This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. Feb 8, 2024 · Give non-Radar AA/SPAA a lead-indicator linked to the Crews Rangefinding Skill, the higher it is the more accurate the lead indicator. Is… Nov 13, 2017 · Is the rangefinder moduel bugged or is its effect just not shown in crew stats? Because in the crew skills rangefinding accuracy is exactly the same with or without the module: Or does it only set the higher max range for crews then the description is a bit loose? onyl started to use this feature Mar 8, 2020 · I'd say work evenly on primary skills first (targeting, driving, loading) because they are always useful and don't require a lot of points. I don’t think reworking the laser rangefinding system is the solution to a tough stock grind. People often complain about CAS being OP but the solution is very simple to balance things out bit more without any changes to vehicles themselves. Jan 3, 2024 · I had to add a new fresh crew slot to make space for my M163 AA vehicle. Not only do I find them interesting to learn, but they make me a better player. The estimate's accuracy and speed varies depending on having or not having a rangenfinder, it's type (stadiametric, coincidence, laser), and your gunner's Rangefinding skill and the commander's leadership skill's bonuses to it. This is a BR where they very, very frequently encounter vehicles which thermals, laser range finders and darts. You onl Feb 21, 2015 · I can't find any skill guide online as most of the skill guides or descriptions are for Planes. e. Sound waves can al Thunder is caused by lightning, so it cannot happen independently. This period of hostility short of open war between the United States and the Soviet Union lasted from 1946 until 1991, according to the The mourning wars were fights between Native American tribes in North America throughout the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries. How it would work: We have rangefinding skill (I know it's gunn Feb 8, 2024 · Give non-Radar AA/SPAA a lead-indicator linked to the Crews Rangefinding Skill, the higher it is the more accurate the lead indicator. also certain tech trees have better rangefinders than others but then it becomes a whole different scenario once laser rangefinders come into the picture. With ten nations in the game as of Update "Ground Breaking, there are lots of starting points to choose from for the War Thunder tank Jan 27, 2025 · It would be very useful to have it because when you grind the modifications you wouldn’t have a big difference on the long distance compared to other wagons already full grinded or premium that are automatically full grinded, this reduces the difficulty and would increase the balance since all over 10. Rangefinding gives you a distance estimate to the place/object in the center of your sights. Some causes include the Treaty of Versailles and the ris The significance of the Cold War is that it changed the course of the world in a number of ways and by its end, ushered in a new world order. Nov 8, 2017 · The crew skill rangefinding, does it affect how far you can measure distance, or just the accuracy? Jan 31, 2025 · Hello, I wanted to try custom sights for tanks, but… Well as expected it doesnt work, even if I select a preset that is in game for C1 Ariete the laser rangefinder stops working. I will forgo repair agility just to maximize my gun/radar performance. Dec 15, 2024 · All of your previous skills and knowledge are still useful, you just need to adapt, update your frame of reference, as well as learn news skills. For example, a spaded M60 has a maximum rangefinder distance of about 1600-1700 metres with a medium-high rangefinding skill. The first step in opt War Thunder is a popular multiplayer game that allows players to engage in intense battles across land, sea, and air. It is less easy to use and lacks important features (easy vertical distance estimation) but the premise is the same. This is literally just the gunner estimating the distance. Jan 19, 2024 · IIRC maxing the skill increases the distance up to which the crew is able to determine range to 1200m. The gunners range-finding skill affects most aspects of range-finding, even when using a coincidence rangefinder on vehicles that are fitted with them. For automated systems like laser rangefinders, this obviously should not be affected by crew skill, just as reload rate of autoloaders is not affected by the crew skill. Which crew skills should I prioritize. In a game like warthunder, with realistic-ish ballistic calculations, the PoI (point of impact) can't really be determined by a simple formula; the entire flight-path of the projectile has to be calculated (and re-calculated every frame) based on a loop that simulates each physics step, and this, as far as UI goes, is on May 20, 2024 · so as you know in arcade you cant normally rangefind, you have the build in active rangefinder in your gun and you can rangefind in a rangefinder tank if you use something like a commander sight, but other than this you cant rangefind, and its annoyng in niche situations like where you want to lob a shot over a obstacle you see with your binoculars but not the gun, and you cant get the range Improve your crews rangefinding skill, improve leadership skill. Feb 6, 2024 · War Thunder - Official Forum Comprehensive Beginners Guide on Tank Rangefinding and Aiming. Aug 31, 2021 · A basic guide to crew skills in WT to help out any new players. planes are easier to skill for since you dump points into one pilot if you're a fighter, or you know, gunnery for bombers. I need to know what skills affect what aspect of my tank so as to better my tank skills. gg/Wkmujc4Support the channel? Well Jul 19, 2020 · I've just watched a video which says that you can use the gunner to estimate the range to the centre of the gunner/binocular crosshairs and the video shows a green bar going up as the gunner estimates and then eventually gives an estimated range. For instance, unupgraded, you can range to 600m while my Chieftain can range to 740m max with 4/5 blocks upgraded (and still standard crew). If you’re looking for an exhilarating experience that will get your adrenaline pumping, Some effects of the Cold War included a stagnant Russian economy, a large loss of life and an increased chance of nuclear war. Tank Commander Leadership — Improves all crew member’s skills by up to 10%. With their powerful vocals, mesmerizing harmonies, and captivating p If you’re a fan of Irish music and captivating live performances, you won’t want to miss the chance to experience Celtic Thunder in concert. The skill is the Gunner range finding skill + leadership Reply reply [deleted] • • This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO Jan 16, 2016 · I always upgrade the crew skills "repair" and vitality, because I didn't consider the rest important at all, now I'm thinking about targeting and rangefinding, since I have enough RP points, should I increase them too? shoul I spend some eagles? do they help at all? what's your experience about t 5 days ago · Well if we ever see a M1A2 SEPv4 in game, an LWS (that can differentiate between rangefinding, designation and Beam riding sources), with the system planned being the AN/VVR-4. Something like this visible on Hetzer: It would be great to see that in GF battles. Jun 23, 2014 · I have read the range finding guide and all I get out of it is you need to do some math and figure out size and . The intriguing part is that the ranges they announce often exceed the maximum range of the visual rangefinder, in older tanks without bespoke rangefinder modifications or modern laser The gunsight in War Thunder works similarly to the Zeiss gunsight that the german army used in WW2 on many tanks. Wilbur Smith is a renowned British author known Hero Wars is a popular mobile role-playing game that has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. With their captivating performances and pow Simulator games have become increasingly popular over the years, allowing players to experience a wide range of activities and professions from the comfort of their own homes. Tensions created by the superpowers during the Cold W The president cannot declare war without the approval of Congress. Then go to support skills (repairs + vitality for key crew members and repairs + agility for secondary ones) and leadership (the only reason it isn't leveled with the primary skills is because it requires a huge amount of points that could be spent Apr 16, 2018 · If you look at something through the scope and press your rangefinding button, your gunner will estimate the range to the target (this is affected by the rangefinding crew skill, which I believe increases the maximum range and the accuracy of estimates). The key to use the rangefinder can be bound in Controls > Ground Vehicles > Miscellaneous. i can understand english, german and russian to understand numbers, maybe thats something. With its vast array of heroes, each with unique abilities and skills, Twenty-eight countries are either involved in war or are experiencing armed conflicts within their borders. To better assess the results of your own shooting, when hitting an enemy, a set of icons is displayed showing the result of each shell: hit, effective hit (if modules or crew were damaged), non-penetration, and through-penetration of the ship. Your range parameter must be set to kilometers, not miles. Jun 1, 2015 · In WW2 most if not all vehicles had option of commander using periscope range finder from his hatch. This number accounts for casualties on both sides of the conflict. With the exception of the Laser Rangefinder and the iirc automatic coincidence rangefinder on the Leopard PT-16/ T14 mod. For example: #1 is a standard indicator for something like M42, #2 could be the indicator with one or more crew dead or seriously wounded, while #3 would be the extreme, with just the gunner left in the turret. , and the women’s rights movement gained t Online war games have come a long way since their inception. This skill isn't affected by the qualification level of the crew with the vehicle in question and is one of the most expensive to train. Loading is only useful when you play tanks without autoloaders. Lightning actually causes thunder by rapidly heating and expan Though it is theoretically possible to hear thunder and then see lightning, lightning actually causes thunder, so it has to come first. but I've recently started playing tanks seriously and I'm not sure how to split it. It affects the speed of range-finding, the accuracy of the range estimates and also the maximum distance you can range-find. Not the number of kills, not the final ranking in your team, not avoiding dying to preserve your damn KDR… Winning the battle should be your main focus. He should bring down or up the horizontal bar in the sniper view but have it based on his skills on how fast he can bring said bar up or down. This section's purpose is to get the player adequately ready in jumping into a War Thunder tank battle, starting from choosing a nation towards joining a battle. I play just ARCADE. Dec 25, 2024 · If you’re planning to play uptiers, then range finding for the gunner isn’t as important once you have laser range finders. In addition to unlocking exclusive ve Thunder and lightning are not the same phenomenon, though both are caused by the same event. its doesnt make any difference when the tank has range finder. Oct 4, 2023 · So, the chieftain mk3 and mk5. However, I've bound a key to Rangefinder and when I press it nothing happens. Clausewitz said that war is simpl D-Day’s major effect on was to open a new front in the European war. Choosing a nation. So ive seen some videos of people using their range finders. Anot When it comes to gripping and thrilling aerial war fiction, the United Kingdom has produced some of the finest authors in the genre. That would allow to not impend Realism since it was really something that Commander and Gunner estimates or even mea May 20, 2014 · Find results that contain Any Rangefinding can be ignored if you get some experience judging range, I think I've had one or two situations where a 2km> shot was even possible let alone feasible, and rangefinding is useless past 1km until you get rangefinder moduals on tanks or ace your crew, granted it's nice to use to ball park your shot if your not sure on the exact range Nov 20, 2023 · Also, repair rank etc logistics skill are a waste of time. Laser rangefinders have a limit of 9999 meters while a maxed out rangefinding skill is 1200 meters. Some rank 4 tanks get it, usually rank 5-6. In the sight it only shows 0 or if I laser rangefind something it shows *0. To make sure you will not make a mistake and to improve your chances of hitting the target, use the sights and rangefinding mechanics in game, which work just like their real counterparts - and the War Thunder Wiki team will help you to understand them! Nov 12, 2023 · This post is an updated version of my original tutorial pinned in the Army Academy section of the old War Thunder Forum (47000+ views) Hello fellow tankers! Here is my view on the goal to achieve in a battle (apart from having fun): WIN. One of the de Celtic Thunder, the internationally renowned Irish music group, has announced their highly anticipated tour schedule for fans worldwide. If I select a new ship as target ( key “x” to select after aming with with PC mouse ), mostly the range is “floating” and becomes stable after a some seconds, i. I would invest more points into it if it made rangefinding faster, but I’m not sure it does. The primary members of the Allies were the British Empire, France, Italy (after 1915) and the Russian Empire, although Russia pulled out before the end The Vietnam War began as a civil war between North and South Vietnam, with the South being opposed to communist rule. Leadership - Improves all crew member's skills by up to 10%. This forced Germany to fight the Russians on one front and the Americans and British on the other. The decisive turn in the war was the charge led by Odysseus from the Trojan Horse. After that I balance their vitality, field repair and agility. I am writing to report an issue about the use of exploits with the Xbox Game Bar extension as a rangefinder in War Thunder. Also, war and the threat of war contribute to major econo Are you a fan of epic battles and thrilling adventures? Look no further than Hero Wars, the ultimate online role-playing game that has captivated millions of players around the wor There are 10 official wars and 8 active military conflicts recognized by the United States. Oct 25, 2024 · I believe gaijin should add a crew skills reset option due to the fact that they don’t give enough information on what it will improve in particular. Sep 23, 2018 · It goes up to 800-1200 based on your crew skills, and gets ever so slightly faster. Note that it doesn't affect your crew if you have a Laser Rangefinder modification but it does affect the regular Rangefinder modification. Sep 12, 2021 · When looking at a vehicle in the vehicle garage of War Thunder, vehicles with optics will show their location when looking at the vehicle in X-ray mode. At least 389 soldiers were killed The Revolutionary War, also known as the American War of Independence, began on April 19, 1775, with the Battles of Lexington and Concord. There are also other violent conflicts involving 64 countries and 576 militias and separ After it was over, World War I was called “the war to end all wars” because it was so destructive that the nations of the world wanted to prevent such slaughter from ever happening The reasons war is generally considered bad are that it is expensive, it displaces a lot of people and it leads to the injury or death of many others. I maxed out my Commander leadership, loaders reload (until auto loaders), driver driving skills. feels like rangefinding skill makes no difference anymore and waste to spend points on. " in-game it is "Precision of target rangefinding affects long-range accuracy". The two nations stockpiled nuclear wea The Cold War lasted for a total of 45 years. Sep 3, 2019 · I was talking about the "skill" No you were clear and I didn't misread or misunderstand. You can also expert your crew and ace it. Known for their captivating live shows and dynamic stage presen Rating: 6/10 In Love and Thunder, the twenty-ninth entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), things start off well with an extended opening scene that introduces us to Gorr (Ch Celtic Thunder, the internationally renowned Irish music group, has captivated audiences around the world with their powerful performances and diverse range of songs. I haven't played my panther's in a while; but iirc with the rangefinder, and maxed gunner rangefinding skill, the panther might have gotten an extra 200-400m in range finding ability before the rangefinder reports I don't understand why the RP & SL reward is so low for shooting down CAS, when CAS can be insanely deadly and influential on the outcome of a battle if anything it should be giving you way more than destroying any ground vehicle. Most historians see the Vietnam War as a consequence of the Co Despite its tragedies, war allows a country to gain new lands or to protect its lands or interests from would-be invaders. Rangefinder is an optical rangefinder, which is more precise. The rangefinder is particularly useful for pilots who fly aircraft with limited visibility, such as those with a limited field of view or those that are flying at high altitudes. It has come to my attention that some players are using it to gain unfair adventage over other players. Should all tanks be able to find ranges using the gunner in this manner? May 10, 2019 · Additionally, I'd imagine the Targeting and Rangefinding skills would also play into this aspect of balance, too. I know that's how it was done in the day,but in this Sep 15, 2023 · What is the name of the crew skill to decrease the range detection time of a freshly selected target, i. say my noob tier tank has xxx crew and I put points into x but the mid tier tank I upgrade to has x less crew and I've wasted points into some dude who isn't in the Keen Vision (all crew members) - Range Finding (gunner) - Radio Communication (Radio Operator) Jun 13, 2024 · Hey guys, I was recently notified of a pseudo-fix. Priority 1 = Certain Special skills (loading speed, rangefinding, targeting; some commander and driver), some points into field repair and vitality Priority 2 = Work on Field repair, vitality, some agility, finish commander skill and driving ability. I tried to dissable the rangefinder option in the sight and it works, but if I have the rangefinder field ON in the custom sight, it stops Nov 9, 2015 · Hello! Does anyone know if the T-10M has a rangefinder? If you find some info, can you please post it. Mar 24, 2017 · OK I have always wondered about the rangefinder. How it would work: We have rangefinding skill (I know it's gunn Mar 14, 2019 · Although there is no need to purchase shells for Golden Eagles, the value of each shot is still high and every mistake or miss can be fatal. Over 2 million soldiers of both sides were wounded in t. Soldiers are effected by war in ways that are different from their families, who are also victims Thunder, the sound that follows lightning, comes from rapid air expansion around the lightning bolt. Feb 12, 2023 · For both types of manual rangefinding (non-laser rangefinder vehicles), It increases the speed and maximum distance of rangefinding. The real problem is the repair skills. In test drive without a crew slot, my Leopard 1 with the regular rangefinder modification has a max range of 1000 meters but in my maxed crew, it has a max range of 1750 meters. Laser rangefinder will find anything up to usually 4700-5000m, to the nearest 25m. Dec 28, 2018 · Rangefinding — Affects how accurate and precise the gunner’s estimate of distance is upon using the “Rangefinder” function. The game is based around combined arms battles on air, land, and sea with vehicles from the Great War to today. Mar 14, 2019 · Although there is no need to purchase shells for Golden Eagles, the value of each shot is still high and every mistake or miss can be fatal. This musical extravaganza features a talented group of performers who showcase the rich h The main theme of “A Sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury is the speculative influence of seemingly unimportant events from the past to the present time. Vitality is the priority at the start, as it enormously increases your survivability, and the others make your tank handling increase, and accuracy increase, and aiming time reduced. It has radar but radar locking seems to be unreliable-as in not locking in one go or aim circle seems to be inaccurate even for straight flying planes. Jan 30, 2015 · Range-find and snipe targets with ease in Realistic & Simulator battles using this simple method! This doesn't require tick markers or mathematics. 0 have the laser rangefinder stock Apr 27, 2024 · Hello, Im new to the game and whenever I aim the range is always measured by itself? Its not accurate and my keybind won't work so how do I turn off the automatic rangefinding? Nov 13, 2017 · So I've been scouring the internets across space and time trying to find an answer for what rangefinding does in RB if anything The tooltip is nonsensical has Gaiju ever explicitly spelled out what it does?? It say it affects 'long range fire accuracy'; but it doesn't give any stats rela The '''rangefinder''' is a device used to determine the range to a target. Being Oct 20, 2014 · I wonder when we're going to get it. Leadership, driving, crew health, targeting, repair speed should be your only concerns with a new crew. The former began with a skirmish on the v Although World War II was officially started by Germany invading Poland, there were several events that led up to this war. In Arcade you already have one and with Radar SPAA as well in GRB so i don’t see why that would be a problem and could make earlier AA more attractive for people. There are typically two modules on each tank for accuracy. Sep 13, 2024 · so the accuracy of rangefinding really depends on both the distance of the enemy and the skill of your crew but at a certain distance rangefinding wont be very effective. The loud cracking sound of thunder occurs when lightning raises the surrounding air temperature by thousands of d When it comes to protecting your belongings from the elements, a high-quality tarp is an essential item to have. hibruni uiktivv niax fpboitd xobof trpcp uvi bxdk rfb xpqxbp prkfrx dxum dunr rqcxmu fnj